Monday 31 December 2007

Ah bugger. The poor little black silkies came up with coccidiosis the other day.

I suppose the conditions were ripe for it being quite hot and having had a lot of recent rains and these guys only being a few weeks out of quarantine in a new home but I was hoping it was a one off from a bit of heat stress. The good news is they don't seem much bothered by it and are still drinking, eatting and puttering about as normal back in their quarantine cages despite continued bloody droppings. Their water is dosed with sulphaquin so hopefully that should clear it up quick-smart and they are getting small amounts of soft layer mash with drops of blackstrap molasses in it to help. I'm trying to find some raw goats milk as well. I just hope the current 43 degree weather doesn't contribute to the stress too much. :-/


Lucy C said...

That is hot!!!!

Fibo said...


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