Thursday 27 December 2007

Merry Christmas everyone!

What is this?

Why, it's a partridge (wyandotte) in a pear tree of course! ;-) Oh dear, a rather bad joke but I couldn't resist!

I just have a few more pics I wanted to update... the first is an update picture of Cedar, the partridge 'dotte roo I got at Euroa... now free of scaley leg mite and feeling much happier out and about!

And update shots of the wyandotte chicks... gosh they are funny looking things at this stage! Their feathers sure don't resemble their parents beautiful patterns atm do they!

Believe it or not this little patchy looking boy will end up looking like the one above when he gets his grown up feathers! If this fellas comb comes up nice, he'll probably be nice for breeding.

His penciling on the wings is a bit neater but the markings on the chest is less nice than green. He's smaller overall with slightly less beetle green to his black and rich bay colour to his wings.

This fellow has a dark neck, darker chest with decent markings but penciling is quite messy. Below is their sister who when she gets her grown up feathers will have nice concentric pencilling instead of baby bars. She looks to have a nicer ground colour than her mum which is what I was hoping for but will depend on how her penciling comes up and how she turns out if she's better than mum or not. Hopefully she's at least equal.


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