Tuesday 25 December 2007

Happy holidays everyone!

We had a lovely (if slightly soggy) solistice and beautiful Christmas day.

I got two rather unexpected Christmas gifts -

the first is that is looks like one of my little bantams is going broody so I have someone to hatch my Wyandotte eggs! I was so upset about having to turf them as their mum isn't broody and the incubator service I used for the last batch is taking holidays as well but now it looks as if I may not have to!

The second is this lovely chap... he's a teeny tiny necklace, only 1.5 cm tall in real life but I blew it up so you could see some of the detail in the fine metal work. (Sorry for the flash whiteout in areas!) DH got him for me as our jeweler sent us a $250 giftcard in thanks for our purchases over the years which was such a lovely surprise! Isn't he just gorgeous?!?


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