Friday 4 January 2008

Welcome Abigail and Agatha

Tish from BYP was looking for a home for her Aylesbury girls and I told her they'd be more than welcome here. (I'm sure everyone who has heard me go on and on and on about my little puddleduck are shocked! Not! I plan to build up numbers so I have a whole flock of them in the next year or two!) Well Miss Abigail and Agatha arrived today and are settling in. They are bred by Jacquie, so most likley related to my lost girl as well. They are also Christmas babies, they turned 1 year old on Christmas day - how neat is that?

Bubby L was *so* excited to see ducks again, I hadn't even shaken their mum's hand when he was pointing to the ducks in their carrier and then pointing to the pens insistantly! LOL As soon as we got them in he scrambled up the pen door and stood on top the door saying, "quok wok wok, ducks!" refusing to come down and chatting to "Jawwah!" (aka Jarrah) when he crowed.

In other news, my silkies are still doing pretty well. :-) The green droppings seem to have cleared up, I was thinking they'd need an antibiotic if it was caused by something secondary but it's gone now. We'll still have a test run now that the vets are open though just to be safe. :-)


Lucy C said...

Oh I love ducks.
And your two girls are gorgeous.
I think white ducks are so photogenic.

katef said...

ooooooooh they are gorgeous! I have decided that if the goslings are not for this year then a pair of duckies might be nice instead! You lucky things!

Amanda O. said...

They are lovely girls, thanks guys! Kate, if you want this breed lmk and I can put you onto their breeder. She's in Macclesfield in the Dandenongs and I think has youngstock at the moment.

Lucy C said...

Oh yes Kate F.
Get ducks.
They are wonderful.
You wont regret it.
And ducklings are about the cutest baby animals in the world.

katef said...

oh I so badly want ducks now.. but really need to wait and see what is happening with the geese first... don't think I can cope with geese and ducks and new chooks all at the same time! LOL

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