Monday 7 January 2008

Another shot of the girls, having been carried down to the dam. ;-) Obviously taking to it like... well, like ducks to water... what else?

Bubba L holding one of the Silkie X girlies and chatting to her.

And "helping" daddy put together some more broody nestboxes, which involves, "make pretties (writing) on bawds (boards)" because that is what you must do before putting screws in - although if we followed L's guide screws would be everywhere! ;-) These are meant to go one per broody pen which is why they're so small!

"so dwill (drill) goes BRMMMMM in da nail!" and "make noises" with the hammer. (IOW hitting the hammer on random places where he's laid screws over his doodles. He was immensely pleased with his efforts and clapped for himself after each 'job', cheering, "Oh YAY!" Inbetween this he was a self appointed tool holder and screw hander outer as well as our go-fer!


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