Nic's Belgian eggs have hatched out a total of:
- 3 darkish chicks with white bellies and markings
- 1 pale yellow chick with a lavender spot on it's head and a single interrupted stripe down it's back
- 4 that have solid lavender bodies with pale yellow heads. More to hatch based on the peeping and tapping I can hear. And that's not counting the clutch he's got under my other broody! I'm glad for him but how unfair is it that I spend months doing the prep-work, building broody pens, getting the girls to go broody and he reaps 97% of the benefit with instant chicks! ;-p

These are the older three - the light one with the headspot/stripe and two dark ones

and the ones hatched today and yesterday - one dark one and four lavender with yellow heads.
And if you remember my lovely white? pekin chick... well it's not all white apparently! It's got little wing-feathers peeking through with splotches of lavender. You can mostly see it in the shafts of the wing feathers and some coloring peeking through around the eyes, breast and toefeathers.

These pekins are exciting! I'm used to my partridge wyandottes. You breed a partridge to a partridge and the chicks are very predictable - all partridge! LOL

And here's my lovely little lavender baby at two weeks old as well!
Me thinks me want some Pekins.
I am quite taken by the colours.
Mind you I want just about every bird there is...except for geese!
Oh Lucy, you definitely should! (What, like you expected me to DISCOURAGE you!? *G*) They are such lovely little round, rolley-pollie things and the feathered feet are absolutely adorable! And they've lovely natures as well!
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