Tuesday 25 March 2008

I hope everyone had a lovely easter... our little chicks are doing well, growing like weeds and are now at a rather moth-eatten stage between chicken down and baby feathers. The lavender has got some really funky feathering atm, the tips of wing feathers weak and curled - lots of stress barring. The "white" pekin chick has revealed more colours - it's yellow/white down moulting out to a rosey bisque colour - darkest on it's head and lighter everywhere else, with lavender where it's saddle will be and irregular splashes of pale lavender on the bisque in the wingfeathers and tailfeathers. I had an awful time getting pics - so hard not to get shadows everywhere and accurate colours.

This is an overview, chick sitting in my palm and me spreading the wings out. Head at top, tail at bottom. The rosey bisque on the head and shoulders is what is appearing out of the down and you can see the pale lavender patch in the middle of the 'saddle' area, a bit of the tinges in the tail and wings (tip: look at the shafts and on their edges.)

This is the underside of the wing (what they normally have tucked against their sides) which gives you a better view of the colouring. The far right side is part of the breast-feathering.

And this is the tail (middle) showing the lavender splotching and on the left and right are the wing tips as viewed from above (look at the first picture and pretend the wings were closer together)

Adults are all going well including the 'new' kids who are all settling in. I need to get pics Nic's chicks and my first set of Wyandotte 'babies' who are now lovely 'big kids' although still curious and friendly as ever - especially when treats are involved! LOL

I found a new chook colour I'm totally in love with though:
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty, lovely and gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my... my little chook lovin' heart is a flutter! The poster said it's essentially a salmon faverolle colouring with single lacing - patterned mahogany silver wheaten, the breed being Serama apparently. I just love the colour! ;-)


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