Sunday 16 March 2008

Apparently I shouldn't have used up all my words to describe nice days in the last posts title! ;-)

Today was also very nice... beautiful trip up to Euroa, I love the scenery on the drive and the lovely little towns!

Despite the heat, the shed was watered down and kept as cool as you could expect under the temperatures and water topped up frequently with a few people having brought misting bottles, so the birds were hot but coped well. I got to meet up with heaps of people - Broken Bird, Tribe of Honk, John who incubates eggs for me along with his friend Sam, Andy Vardy and his wife whom I'm not met previously, Raylene whom I'd not met previously at chook events but HAD met online through BYP and previously in sheep shows as she also has coloured sheep in a bit of a "small world!" moment, Ann who owned the partridge silkie roo I'd admired at the Paky show yesterday was there with a silver sister of that roo and two partridge daughters. Jacquie and several others were there but I missed them! :-( I think it was just too hot for everyone to wear the BYP hats today! LOL

I ended up getting this purdy little Standard Wyandotte Partridge pullet for a measley $22!

Now, the two little silkie bubs...

are here. Nice little girls, only maybe 3-4 months so heaps of growing still to do yet!

And this lovely little lady was Broken Birds and is now Raylene's... she's a slate turkey and was being auctioned with the money being donated to BYP's online show I think.
There were heaps of turkeys in various colours and I was soooooo tempted to buy some but I know I don't have the pen for them atm. I want to build one down back but have to build my big chooky breeding sheds first, plus fencing, renovating the bathroom/laundry/study in the house, dogs agility yard etc etc etc. so it's a project that will ahve to wait until I've finished the others. I was also told by Meg Miller to wait until La was a bit older as well and to contact her in a year or two, so "someday, someday!" LOLOL

Nic didn't buy anything (no Belgians) but when he came home he found another little chick - another yellow one with a small lavender spot and stripe which was a nice addition!


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