Miss Matilda Muscovy arrived last night, picked up from the RSPCA and quite happy to be around other poultry again! She's been very calm and slipped into the routines quite easily although sometimes a bit unsure of where everyone is rushing in a big hurry. (LOL They heard the food bag crinkle.)

Here is a nice full profile shot of her, standing in front of the Wyandottes near the house.

And together with the Aylesbury near their little clamshell. We'll save the dam for another day when she's more sure of where home-base is and I'm sure she'll come back out. The red on her face is natural colouring, Muscovy's have bumpy red skin there called caruncles.

A better photo of her close up, so you can see her caruncles. They get more pronounced as she gets older.

And the other unusual thing about these guys is they've got a tiny crest of sorts that they can raise and flatten depending on how they feel. You can see she's got hers slightly raised here and can see she's not pure white - she has two tiny black feathers as beauty spots.

And one near Ambrose Aylesbury, to give an idea of size difference. She is very young still, but looks so petite next to them and even smaller next to the geese!
I love white ducks.
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