Tuesday 15 July 2008


Nicole and Andrew said...

your geese are beautiful & i lov your big fat hen. are your geese friendly, my granny had a pair when i was a kid & they hated everyone but my pop, they would chase, nip & honk & anyone who came in the yard.

Amanda O. said...

If they are handraised and continue to be handled, geese make wonderful pets. The problem is that most people either don't handraise them or after they're adults leave the attention to nothing more than tossing food in occasionally or not taking time to understand geese. Mine were all handled as youngsters and continue to have attention now... I spend time every day sitting outside, giving them treats, talking softly to them, being gentle. I never force anything on them and listen to what they tell me in their body language to gauge their comfort. It doesn't take long for new geese to realize that you are a friend, that you can be communicated with and will respect their feelings and they need not fear or feel defensive. Like any relationship, you get out what you put in.

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