Friday, 25 July 2008
Thursday, 24 July 2008
More Matilda
Posted by Amanda O. at Thursday, July 24, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Miss Matilda Muscovy arrived last night, picked up from the RSPCA and quite happy to be around other poultry again! She's been very calm and slipped into the routines quite easily although sometimes a bit unsure of where everyone is rushing in a big hurry. (LOL They heard the food bag crinkle.)

Posted by Amanda O. at Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1 comments
Labels: muscovy
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Matilda the Muzzie
This little girl was found lost and taken to the RSPCA. Unfortunately the RSPCA seldom gets owners claiming the birds and most end up euthanized unless a shelter worker adopts them. One of the shelter workers has adopted several but couldn't keep adopting dozens of ducks, so she put up a notice looking for someone to take in this little girl before her date with the green dream.
I'd been looking for a few muzzie girls for broodies (muscovy as a breed are generally a favorite breed for hatching out eggs from breeds that don't naturally sit) and this was perfect timing... so I wrote to see if she still needed a home. As it happens, she did, so she's been named "Matilda" since she was found a waltzing (I know, I'm awful aren't I?) and I wanted to keep a M theme to go with my Aylesbury all having A names. LOL
Posted by Amanda O. at Wednesday, July 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: muscovy
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Euroa breeders invite auction
I had an absolutely fabulous day today at the Euroa's breeders invite auction. I've been waiting for this one since before the start of the year and it didn't disappoint. Very nice birds and a lot of BYPers, so it made for a fabulous get together!
I'd gone specifically looking for another pair of brown chinese and with my eye on the birds Hamish Russell had up, as he is retiring from geese and they would be representing decades of work and a fabulous bloodline. I was very, very pleased to secure a pair, a lovely big fellow and a pretty young lady even if I spent a bit more than anticipated. (My DH officially gets the Best DH Ever Award for putting up with my poultry obsession with such tollerant indulgence... LOL)
I'd also e-mailed Kirribindi, to request when she had more ducklings if I could get a pair of baby girls. I was lucky enough to catch her in time to pick these two up today - meet Amelia and Anabella. They are disgustingly adorable and have imprinted VERY quickly - they are MOST unhappy when I'm out of sight... LOL
Posted by Amanda O. at Sunday, July 13, 2008 4 comments
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Posted by Amanda O. at Tuesday, July 08, 2008 0 comments