Friday 15 February 2008

My little chicks are officially teetering out of cute chickdom and into gawky teenagerhood... You can probably get an idea of males and females in this pic fairly well. The ones with only a little feathers on their wings are boys, the ones with more feathers everywhere are girls. They are growing like weeds and eatting like horses!

After the chooks only being "my" thing, I began to sucker my husband into this by purchasing him a RIR chick which he named Milly after he'd admired one at a show. Over the next few auctions he told me he liked a type and colour he'd seen, "pretty ones, with blue and cream and funny little faces and boots" he reckoned were the breed he'd want if he were to get one. Last weekend we went to the B.M. sale intending to buy some nice black or partridge silkies as my b-day prezzie and while unfortunately I didn't end up buying, DH found a pair of "those pretty ones" (known to the rest of chook-dom as Belgian d'Uccle bantams) which he was told were decent breeding quality and were nicely matched up to each others faults and of a good line (Carolyn Shannon) and so for the princely sum of $35 he is the proud owner of a pair of d'Uccle porcelaines.

They are vigorous little things... haven't missed a beat in breeding or laying - sir rooster 'did the deed' shortly after being placed in the quarantine cage and she has laid an egg a day since arriving! O_O


Lucy C said...

Aaah yes!
Get hubby involved and you will be able to get whatever you want!
Good work.

Amanda O. said...

Exactly! *VBG* Not so much with chook purhcases as he doesn't care how many I buy, I reckon it'll make my incubator purchase and dream breeding shed much more plausible. They're partly for him too you understand! ;-)

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