Friday 2 November 2007

One day old and two week old pics

Another picture of mum, "Penny" that turned out nicely and pictures of the four bubs at one day old. I'll be getting leg rings for these guys to be able to identify them individually but right now they're too tiny so they've just got marks where toe punches would be! First is red band chick.

Then green band

Yellow band

And blue band I think.

And below are the littles at 2 weeks old aprox. First is "blue band"... who is the smallest of them and has what looks like it *might* be a white fleck in the down on it's head?

Blue band with fleck below.

Now here is green band

Red band

And yellow band

They are friendly little critters. If I look into their box they start talking to me and if I put my hand in the come up to cuddle and hop aboard for personal attention, they like to be lifted to snuggle under my chin! ;-)


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