Saturday 4 October 2008

Well... after last time's disappointment things have been both a bit down and a bit up.

The downside is that two of my young ducks have been lost, apparently to a snake at the dam biting them and the rest are temporarily banned from the dam. It's been suggested the most likely is a Tiger Snake, which doesn't thrill me given the highly venomous and pugnacious reputation they have - especially the idea of not only the ducks being possible victims but dogs and child as well. Unfortunately not having seen any snake but a copperhead (venomous but unlikely and generally not easily provoked) confirming it let alone locating it for removal is not proving easy. Besides being friendly little pets after hand-raising, they were also gorgeous youngsters I had high hopes for the next season.

On the upside, after being quite upset about not being able to get the Wyandotte trio I'd had my heart set on I had a good hard think about priorities and decided to sell off the Silkies and most of the OEGb (kept the pretty roo, cuz you know I need a rooster just to look at...) in order to buy these ones as it felt like an opportunity I'd regret for a long time if I passed it up. So tomorrow I will be going to pick them up! As well as this Tiger (SilkieX) is starting to act broody, so fingers crossed we might actually have some hatching sometime this year!


Anonymous said...

oh bugger about your ducks... We have tiger snakes and red belly blacks around here.. especially around the dam where I guess they feats on all the frogs now that we've had some rain. I've read and been told that the geese with chase a snake away or at least warn others (animals and people) of their presence? That was what first made me want a pair of Chinese for the back garden... now I just want them cause they are gorgeous!
I hope you get your Wyandottes... you've managed to convince me that that is what we want for a rooster and do you think we can find any now! LOL Typical that we can never have what we want when we finally decide we want them1 LOL

Amanda O. said...

Geese will generally raise an alarm-call to anything that looks "funny" to them but generally not do much else. They don't want to confront something dangerous, so the honking is an alert to their flockmates to avoid something that might be trouble be it strange people, a hawk in the sky or a snake in the grass. Sometimes the general ruckus may make the snake may move off as snakes generally do not want confrontation if they cna avoid it, it's expensive and dangerous for them. The danger is that geese are just as vunerable to snakebite as any creature and if confronted the snake has the upper hand in speed/agility/defense.

Guinea fowls are a bit better in the snake killer/heckler stakes as they roam about more and poke their noses into stuff. The downside is that unless you have a huge flock they are NOISY and can fly - meaning they roam. They are also ace for ticks and other bugs.

Unfortunately other than that the best solutions are to make their habitats unappealing - keep the lawn trimmed or let stock keep it mowed, firewood off the ground, eliminate hideyspots, and everything you can do to keep mice/rats off the property. All of which we already do. :-/

The biggest problem I think with the ducks is that they were young enough to still be curious about everything and ducks explore the world with their bills. If it was a snake, it was probably only defending itself.

With no real good solutions, I think the best thing I can try is with the next ducklings/goslings I will get a realistic looking rubber snake, set it up and have the adults alarm call at it so the youngsters learn it's something to AVOID! No idea if it will work though or I will just look even crazier to my neighbors as it's just a wild theory at this point!

Amanda O. said...

Also meant to say if you are after a std partridge dotte roo, lmk when you're ready for one. Or if you're after one of the other colours, I know Tim/Tribe of Honk out here has rather nice silver laces in large, usually avail as sexed youngsters or settings of eggs avail to post if you've got a broody. Or try putting up an ISO notice on BYP's sale/wanted and noticeboard. :-) Maybe check with the Footscray & District Poultry Club which is holding an auction in Bacchus Marsh on the 12th October? Might have some coming there too?

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