Appologies to those who love the silver/gold lace, white, black, blue etc but I mostly snapped my favorites since I was sure the BYP contingent would more than adequately cover the rest.
We had an excellent time at the show, enjoying the birds and putting faces to names. It was good to see colours you don't often see as well as some nice birds among the more prevalent colours as well. I was very happy to see Std Partridge there (no, not mine - not with a 2 month old baby anyway LOL) as well as the buff laces. I was very tempted by their being in the auction but in the end we decided to save our pennies and enjoy Albury and catching up with BB, Judy and gang in the evening.
I also got my hot little hands on a copy of the new Wyandotte colour guide and think it's an excellent publication the club should be well proud of, as well as a bunch of other Wyandotte merchandise!
The trophy table - the framed illustrations were especially nice!
Std Partridge PB Roo
Std Partridge hen, 1st in class, Ch Partridge, Ch Penciled
Std Partridge hen, 2nd in class, Res Ch. Partridge, Res Ch. Penciled
Bantam CB Partridge Roo
Std Patridge hen
Std Partridge hen
Buff laced pullet. Res Ch Buff Laced, M & K Vizer
Ch Buff Laced, Buff Lace Rooster, M&K Vizer
3rd place Buff lace cockrel, one of the auction birds
Blue laced gold cockrel - R Woods
Blue laced gold pullet

One of the interesting rare colours

Blue laced REDrooster - gosh he was a striking fellow - the photo does not do the richness of his colours justice! I'm sure his breeder was exceedingly pleased with him!

Blue columbian buff - std size birds (the black of normal columbian markings is diluted to blue)

Blue columbian buff pair - bantam

1st place Red rooster - R. Williams