Sunday 30 November 2008

My little ducklings are not so little now, growing like weeds in fact!

This gut is "Lucky" the tiny little duckling from the start of the month. Look at that fat crop, to big to easily walk - what a porker! (And yes, still sporting a swish blue mohawk to ID from the others)

One of the other three little duckies with Lucky. They're only about a day apart.

The whole lot together, lucky at the back.

One of the partridge girls. Not the best photo but very pleased with her.

One of last years handsome boys... this one is probably the nicest of the older lot who leans towards the CB. (Note the solid black breast, black in hackle, slightly more bright hackle etc.)

And leaning more toward PB. Quite goldy in the breast, darker overall in the hackle, where the other fellow is black this fellow is just a shade of darker hackle colour.


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