Saturday 9 August 2008

*happy dance*

Why? Well if you've been following this blog you know I've been looking for more Std Partridge Wyandottes for about a year or so. I thought a few months back the fellow I'd got my original rooster from had more stock but it'd turned out he thought I was a different previous buyer and wanted Australorps when he said that. As it happened he'd sold his partridge breeders to parts and persons unknown ages ago.

So imagine my delight when first a week ago I hear of a breeder who is moving and selling it all, including a trio of std partridge dottes (waiting for pictures of them) and second the next Euroa auction this month has a clearing out by a well known Std Wyandotte breeder which includes a trio of females between 1-2 years old. FINGERS CROSSED!!!


Lucy C said...

I hope you get them all.

Lucy C said...

I have given you a 'You Cheer Me Up Award'. Check out my blog for more info.

Jacqueline said...

Hello. Love your blog - fellow chooky lover - and v. excited to read about your p.wyandottes. We brought home two silver penciled wyandottes from a breeder in Sydney and found out later that they came from out west. We don't have room for more but I'd love to come to the show just to see them. Looking forward to pics of your new girls.

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